Saturday, February 13, 2010

I didn't ask you to succeed, only to obey.

Seems I only blog when I get chastised. And it happened again today. Well, maybe chastise is too strong a word. Let's call it a gentle reminder.

I was at a seminar at church today about stress and well-being. We did this really neat exercise called Lectio Divino, which is latin for "divine reading". Basically there is an oral reading of a passage, a period of silence, the reading again, a longer silence, a final reading, and a last period of silence. In those times of silence, you are supposed to reflect on what you've heard, and listen for God to speak to you through that passage, in a way that is meaningful to you.

The scripture was Psalm 27:1-6, and it begins

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
so why should I be afraid?

And I had to ask myself, "Why, indeed?" With the Lord to light my way, how could I possibly get lost... unless I look away from the light - gee... I've never done that ;)
The one thing I felt God was clearly saying to me as I meditated on this passage was this - "I didn't ask you to succeed. I only asked you to write. The rest is up to me."

So. I have no excuse now. I will do my best to keep blogging, sharing my progress with you all, as few or as many as you may be. I am also going to make a genuine effort to write the stories that have been knocking about in my head. Some, I may even share someday.

Thanks for stopping by. See you again soon.

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