Saturday, February 13, 2010

I didn't ask you to succeed, only to obey.

Seems I only blog when I get chastised. And it happened again today. Well, maybe chastise is too strong a word. Let's call it a gentle reminder.

I was at a seminar at church today about stress and well-being. We did this really neat exercise called Lectio Divino, which is latin for "divine reading". Basically there is an oral reading of a passage, a period of silence, the reading again, a longer silence, a final reading, and a last period of silence. In those times of silence, you are supposed to reflect on what you've heard, and listen for God to speak to you through that passage, in a way that is meaningful to you.

The scripture was Psalm 27:1-6, and it begins

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
so why should I be afraid?

And I had to ask myself, "Why, indeed?" With the Lord to light my way, how could I possibly get lost... unless I look away from the light - gee... I've never done that ;)
The one thing I felt God was clearly saying to me as I meditated on this passage was this - "I didn't ask you to succeed. I only asked you to write. The rest is up to me."

So. I have no excuse now. I will do my best to keep blogging, sharing my progress with you all, as few or as many as you may be. I am also going to make a genuine effort to write the stories that have been knocking about in my head. Some, I may even share someday.

Thanks for stopping by. See you again soon.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's so easy to get distracted

I logged on to post some more of my random musings. When I got here, I looked at my page and thought, "Gee, I should have a picture of a bench in the header>" So I went looking for one. I don't know why I thought it would be easy to find a bench that represents me. I can't even find clothes that represent me, so forget a bench!

I wanted a bench that looked inviting, so all the cast iron stuff I found was right out. No picnic benches, we're not having a meal. No pictures of lovers, that's not what this is about. Oooh, here's a pretty one... never mind, that woman doesn't look like me or anyone I know. And cultural diversity? Seems like that only exists in the real world not cyberspace. Ok, so how about a beach, I like it. I also found one of a group of people who looked like they were hanging out. Perfect! Oh wait, there's two women who seem to have stopped for a quick chat. Awww, and a cute one of two little girls sitting by a lake, looking across at the big city. It's nice to have options.

Next step, put a pic on the page, see how it looks. Oh my stars and garters! Who told me to go and to that? Now my colors are all mashed up. We won't even mention the fact that the pic isn't anywhere I wanted it to be. Steeeeeewps! (That's a West Indian way of saying I'm kissing my teeth). Undo. Try another picture. Good grief! That's even worse. Charlie Brown, don't you know you'll never succeed? Never you mind Lucy, I'm gonna kick that football, you wait and see. Just hold it steady.

Maybe if I resize the picture and change the colors on the page, then I'll get what I want. Ha Ha! Nice try Sambo. Too many bright ideas have landed many a good man in jail. Better quit while I'm ahead. Fie! I will not be defeated. Maybe if I click here, and move this here, change this over here, and what's this doo-hickey for? CURSES! Foiled again. Why am I yawning? 90 minutes have gone by since I started this nonsense. You've got to be kidding me. And to think I was gonna blog today. What a waste. I hope my page looks like it did before I started, but I'm too tired to check.

I hope that tomorrow I still remember what I was gonna blog about. Be good to you!